
PS. Une brioche avec un peu plus de beurre

[PS. A brioche with a tad more butter]

London, sometime in April.
I made a brioche. In five minutes; and five days. We woke up early to shape and proof the dough. Well, I did. A couple of hours later, we sat at the table, with our eyes still plein de sommeil [full of sleep].

And we had a slice each. With plenty of strawberry jam. And a cup of coffee.

I then proceeded to braid my hair. And for a walk we went. The trees were snowing and no matter how long I will live in London, my dreams will always float higher with the April snow.
Another coffee was taken, at a cafĂ© this time; perhaps in Fulham or Clapham. I can’t remember.

But I recall a phone conversation with my mum. About the brioche. And how she should make it.

France, sometime in May.
I flew in wearing UGG boots and a wool scarf. But as we reached the car on the airport parking lot, I switched for those leather sandals I’m so fond of.

We arrived home. And dropped the suitcases somewhere in the living room.

Without judging unpacking necessary, we headed to the kitchen. An apron got wrapped around my waist, flour got weighed out, dough was put away in a bowl.

And before we knew it, we made a brioche. In five minutes; and a five days. Oh and five hundred grams of butter. Perhaps with a couple of hidden chocolate squares. Yes, perhaps…
It tasted just as good. If not better.

And just so my mum doesn’t have an excuse not to make brioche, here is the recipe in French. Oui!
Accents included and all. Mum if you knew how long it takes to add accents when you have an English keyboard, you’d already be making brioche as you read this.

Dans un bol, fouetter le beurre fondu, l’eau, le sel, les oeufs et le miel. Ajouter la farine et la levure. MĂ©langer Ă  la cuillĂšre en bois jusqu’Ă  obtention d’une pĂąte souple et homogĂšne.

Recouvrir le bol avec un torchon et laisser pousser à température ambiante pour un peu plus de 2h.

Une fois la pĂąte ayant doublĂ© de volume, mettre le bol – toujours recouvert d’un torchon – au frigo pendant au moins 24h.

Le lendemain – ou n’importe quand dans les cinq jours qui suivent – beurrer un moule Ă  cake gĂ©nereusement. PrĂ©lever 450g de pĂąte du pĂąton. Puis la diviser en quatre. Fleurer (fariner) le plan de travail et bouler (former des boules) chacun des morceaux.

Placer les boules dans le moule préalablement beurré et faire pousser pendant 1h30.

Pendant ce temps, préchauffer le four a 190°C. Battre un oeuf pour la dorure. Dorer la brioche au pinceau. Et cuire pour 40 à 50 minutes. Démouler et laisser refroidir sur une grille.


  • Joy
    July 24, 2011 at 7:58 AM

    This is was gorgeously done. I love it!

  • Belle
    July 24, 2011 at 10:49 AM

    Hi Fanny, I love your blog and your sweet words, everything is so comforting 😀 !! I made the five-minute brioche using your previous recipe. I rolled the sticky dough into balls and the loaf came out with lots of air bubbles, although my brioche was not as soft as i expected but it tasted good. Do you know what might be causing those air bubbles? xx

    • fanny
      February 26, 2019 at 1:37 PM

      Hi Belle. Thanks for the sweet words. As for the brioche, I would think the air bubbles come from an uneven mixing of the dough at first. You need to make sure the yeast is evenly distributed amongst the dough or you’ll have bigger pockets of air forming. xx

  • mam
    July 24, 2011 at 5:54 PM

    Merci…C’est notĂ©! j’achĂšte ce qui me manque et ce sera fait et mangĂ©. Biz

  • Vivienne
    July 25, 2011 at 12:00 PM

    Warm, soft and buttery brioche is my fav type of bread. You’re such a sweet daughter 😀

  • AĂŻda
    July 27, 2011 at 1:03 PM

    Ah, la BRIOCHE.

  • Lucia
    July 28, 2011 at 4:29 PM

    Une brioche, de la confiture aux fraises, la neige. Et puis, la maison, les gens qu’on aime. Les mamans, bien sur. Toujours.

  • Eli Christy-Munro
    November 6, 2011 at 5:05 AM

    Kia ora from New Zealand!

    How would I make these into brioche buns like in your beautiful picture?

  • qmmf
    November 17, 2011 at 12:53 AM

    Hello Fanny! T45 ou T55, est-ce qu’on peu dire que c’est pareil pour cette recette ou pas?…

  • Austin
    November 19, 2011 at 12:55 AM

    For substituting fresh yeast in place of the instant yeast, how much yeast should one use? I’ve read that 3 times the weight of instant should be used, is this correct? Also how should the recipe be adjusted for this, the yeast needs to be crumbled finely into the flour?

  • Austin
    November 19, 2011 at 1:44 AM

    Also, what program/programs do you use to make your gifs and do you use SAF gold or red yeast?

  • Dreamy person
    November 27, 2011 at 2:50 PM

    j` aime ton blog!!!!
    Je pense que c’est fantastique!!
    Nous avons fait ta lemon meringue tart!!
    Et nous avons acheté un chalumeau.

  • Lynsey Taylor
    May 8, 2014 at 11:19 PM

    This is going on the to do list next , Chocolate Chip Brioche dusted with icing sugar offers me such feelings of nostalgia that I can not wait to recreate! Thank you for this recipe Fanny! L x

  • A brioche study, part one: the approach
    January 10, 2016 at 12:20 PM

    […] – A clear explanation of mixture design. – A few notes on brioche. – A five-minute brioche? […]


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